Paper Swatch Book
Ever Green?
Rolland Enviro 100, Print II
Designer & Illustrator
Fall 2007
The task was to create a functional paper swatch book for the new Rolland Enviro 100 paper stocks. My approach was to sell the paper on the actual paper with interesting, engaging, playful and humourous illustrations along with creative phrases emphasizing on a ridiculous imaginary world without trees.
"If one day, no trees are left: Lumberjacks will be unemployed, and for those who can only operate a chainsaw may have to immigrate to Texas."
Ever Green?
Rolland Enviro 100, Print II
Designer & Illustrator
Fall 2007
The task was to create a functional paper swatch book for the new Rolland Enviro 100 paper stocks. My approach was to sell the paper on the actual paper with interesting, engaging, playful and humourous illustrations along with creative phrases emphasizing on a ridiculous imaginary world without trees.
"If one day, no trees are left: Lumberjacks will be unemployed, and for those who can only operate a chainsaw may have to immigrate to Texas."